It’s no secret that horses have a sweet tooth and that’s why we like to reward them with sweet treats. But giving our equine friends sugary snacks isn’t very good for their health. Did you know that aside from apples, there are plenty of fruits that are sweet and safe to feed your horse? Giving horses fruit as a treat will satisfy their sugary cravings and also provide them with much needed essential vitamins and minerals. In this guide, we’re going to take a look at strawberries and find out if they’re good for horses to eat. So, can horses eat strawberries? Read on to find out.
Can Horses Eat Strawberries?
Most of us love eating strawberries and they make the ultimate summertime treat. They look and smell delicious and there’s nothing quite like their refreshing, juicy taste. As a responsible owner, you want to know if they're safe for horses. So the great news is that, yes, as long as they don't eat too many, horses can safely eat strawberries.
Are Strawberries Healthy for Horses?
Now that you know they're safe, the next thing you'll want to know is are they healthy?
Horses love the sweet taste of strawberries and as long as they’re fed in moderation then they can also be a very healthy addition to their diet.
Strawberries are up to 91 per cent water which means that they make a very healthy and refreshing treat to give to your horse. Let’s take a look at the nutritional benefits of strawberries below.
Fiber and Antioxidants
Just like most fruit, strawberries are naturally high in fiber which means that they’re great for helping the digestive system run smoothly. Fiber makes your horse feel full and it also helps it to absorb nutrients from other food. Without fiber in it's diet, your horse could suffer from nutrient deficiencies.
Just like with most other fruits and vegetables, strawberries are high in antioxidants which mean that they’re great for keeping your horse in optimum function. Antioxidants remove harmful toxins that can build up in the body, particularly after exercise. If these toxins aren’t removed from the body, they can impair your horse's recovery and harm its overall health and well-being.
Vitamins and Minerals
Strawberries contain many essential vitamins and minerals that are vital for your horse's health and well-being. As well as containing lots of Vitamin C, E and B9, they also contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium. These vitamins and minerals can boost your horse's immune system and improve its overall health and performance.
High in Sugar
Although strawberries are pretty healthy, it’s worth noting that they are quite high in sugar. This means that you should always be cautious about giving them to overweight horses or insulin resistant horses. Insulin resistance in horses is also known as Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS). Giving too much sugar to these types of horses can make their condition worse!
How Many Strawberries Can Horses Eat?
When it comes to feeding your horse any berries such as strawberries then it's best to stick to recommended feeding guidelines. You should only give them to your horse in small quantities, one or two at a time, and you shouldn’t give them more than ten per week. Even though strawberries are healthy, just like with all horse treats, they should only make up a small part of your horses diet.
Because they’re full of fiber, if you feed your horse too many strawberries they will make your horse feel full and bloated. This might put your horse off eating its regular meals which could potentially cause nutrient deficiencies.
Warnings About Feeding Strawberries to Horses

Horses are grazing animals which means that they’re designed to eat lots of grass and roughage all day long. This is why they shouldn't be fed too much concentrated food, such as cereals. Treats especially should only make up a tiny part of a horses diet.
If you give a horse too many strawberries all at once then you will overwhelm its digestive system. And because horses can't vomit, this has the potential to cause colic. This is why it’s important to stick to the recommend feeding allowance and never feed your horse too much strawberries all at once.
When it comes to feeding horses then we know that any fruits and vegetables have the potential to cause a choking hazard and even though they’re soft, strawberries are no exception. This is why it’s important to prepare strawberries correctly before giving them to your horse.
If you have a horse with any kind of metabolic issues then you may want to check with your vet before giving it strawberries. Strawberries are high in sugar which means that they could be very harmful to insulin resistant horses or horses with laminitis.
Because horses have such sensitive digestive systems, you must introduce strawberries, or any other fruit and vegetables, into your horse's diet slowly. Start by giving your horse just half a strawberry at first. If there are no digestive complaints after 24 hours then you can gradually increase the portion size over the space of a week.
How to Prepare Strawberries For Horses
Unless you buy organic ones, then before horses eat strawberries, you may want to wash them first. This removes any chemicals or pesticides that could potentially be harmful to your horse.
When you’re preparing strawberries for your horse to eat, you should throw away any moldy ones. The bacteria found on moldy fruit could potentially cause colic or make your horse ill.
Finally, you should always cut the strawberries into halves or quarters before serving them. This prevents them from becoming a choking hazard.
In answer to your question “can horses eat strawberries?”, we find that strawberries are not only safe for horses to eat but they also make a very healthy treat. Horses love strawberries because they satisfy a sweet tooth, and adding a few to your horse diet each week provides them with essential vitamins and minerals. This will make your horse healthier and also keen to earn his delicious strawberry treat.