Can Horses Eat Oranges? [Explained]

Oranges are famous for being a good source of vitamin C and are one of the healthiest fruits to eat. So, as a horse owner, you may want to know “can horses eat oranges?”. In this guide, we’re going to take a closer look at oranges and find out if they can be safely given to your horse as a treat.

Can Horses Eat Oranges?

Horses love sweet, sugary fruit, so as an owner, you’ll be very happy to know that horses can eat oranges. They don’t contain any toxic substances and can provide extra vitamins and minerals to your horse's diet.

Are Oranges Healthy for Horses?

So, now that we know that horses can eat oranges, let's take a look and see if they're a healthy treat.

As long as they’re fed in moderation, oranges can be a very healthy addition to your horse's diet. We’ll take a look at the nutritional benefits of oranges below.

Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Everybody knows that oranges are high in vitamin C which is fantastic for boosting the health and immune system of horses and people.

But did you know that oranges contain vitamin B, folates and potassium too? As well as this oranges are mostly made up of water which makes them not only refreshing but low in calories as well.

Oranges also contain hesperidin which is thought to help with cardiovascular health and to improve brain function.

Fiber and Antioxidants

Like most fruit, oranges contain lots of fiber and antioxidants. Most of the fiber is found in the peel and eating fiber is a great way to help keep the digestive system running smoothly. Antioxidants are necessary for ridding the horse's body of harmful toxins. 

As well as being full of antioxidants, the citric acid found in fruits such as oranges can help with recovery after exercise and it may also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Most citrus fruits are safe for horses to eat.

Acidity and Sugar

Even though horses love them, and they make a very healthy treat for horses to eat, oranges are quite acidic and high in sugar. This is why a horse shouldn't be fed too many at a time and you should avoid feeding them to overweight horses or horses with metabolic issues.

Can Horses Eat Orange Peel and Seeds?

If you want horses to eat oranges then you may want to know if the orange peels and seeds are safe for horses to eat too. Even though horses can eat oranges, not all horse will love eating orange peel. Sometimes the strong smell and bitterness found in the orange peel can put them off.

But not only is orange peel safe for horses to eat, the peel is also thought to be the most healthy part of an orange. Orange peels contain lots of fiber and essential oils which can help with overall health and digestion.

The seeds of oranges are also ok for horses to consume and they’re small enough not to pose a choking hazard. Orange seeds don’t contain any toxic substances and are full of antioxidants. This means that they’re safe and healthy for your horse to eat and will help eliminate harmful toxins.

How Many Oranges Can Horses Eat?

are oranges safe for horses

If you want horses to eat oranges then you should remember that oranges are a treat, and just like with all other horse treats, they should only make up a tiny part of your horses diet. Oranges are sugary and acidic so feeding too many of them all at once could cause colic. Equine nutritionists and veterinarians recommend your horse eating no more than two oranges a week.

When it comes to introducing new food into your horse's regular diet then you should always do it slowly and monitor your horse for digestive complaints. Start by feeding your horse just a single segment of orange. Keep a close eye on it and if there are no adverse effects in the first 24 hours then you can slowly increase the portion size over the space of a week or two. 

Warning of Potential Problems That Can Arise When Horses Eat Oranges

Any horse owners will tell you how sensitive a horses stomach is and this is why you should always be cautious when it comes to feeding them new treats. Below we’ve listed some warnings about feeding horses oranges as well as potential problems that horses may experience when consuming them.

If your horse has any medical or metabolic issues then you should always check with your vet before feeding them oranges. Just like bananas, oranges are fruits that are high in potassium which means that they could be a problem for horses suffering from HYPP. Oranges also contain lots of sugar so don’t feed them to horses with metabolic issues such as laminitis or insulin resistance. They could make these conditions worse.

Because of their acidity, if you feed your horse oranges in a large quantity, in one sitting, then this will likely cause colic. This is why you should always stick to the recommended feeding guidelines when it comes to giving a horse oranges.

Tips on How to Prepare and Feed Oranges to Horses

When it comes to feeding horses fruits and vegetables then you should always wash them first. This will remove any pesticides and chemicals that could potentially upset your horse's digestive system. One way to avoid exposing your horse to potentially harmful chemicals on orange peel is by buying organic oranges.

Because horses can't regurgitate then any treats that horses eat have the potential to become a choking hazard. This is why you need to prepare them correctly before feeding them to your horse. Because of their round shape, oranges should never be fed whole. The best way to feed them is in segments or sliced into quarters. Some owners like to remove the orange peel and feed this separately, cut into even smaller slices.


So, can horses eat oranges? All treats, when not fed responsibly have the potential to cause health problems. As long as you follow the advice in this guide when feeding them, then yes, horses can safely eat oranges and they're a great source of vitamin C. Many horses love the sweet taste of fresh fruit and an orange makes a very safe, healthy and satisfying addition to your horse's regular diet, so long as it's fed in moderation.