10 Best Horse Magazines for Kids & Young Learners

If you only discovered your love for horses later in your life, you might have found yourself wishing that you learned about the majestic animals sooner. So when it comes to your kids, you'll probably want to start them young. Fortunately for you, the horse world abounds with loads of interesting horse magazines to do just that.

Of course, nothing can substitute a firsthand experience with an actual steed. But just in case you want to drive the love of all things equine straight into their little hearts, here are the best horse magazines for kids that you can offer your younglings.

Top 10 Best Horse Magazines for Kids

You'd be surprised how much you can learn from horse magazines for kids. Chocked full of helpful information and littered with fun facts, these publications can provide hours of reading enjoyment for your young rider.

But even more interestingly, it seems that kids don't always want to flip through a colorful horse magazine with content just for young equestrians. Today, kids seem to love horse magazines for older audiences no different, indulging in western lifestyle articles, training tips, and news about the horse industry.

So if you've got a young rider at home, try to subscribe to these horse magazine titles to enrich their minds and evolve with their ever growing interest.

1. Pony Magazine

pony magazine

Recognized as one of the best horse magazines for kids, Pony Magazine has it all. This fun-filled magazine offers loads of educational information for young horse lovers to grow their knowledge of everything equine. Although it might look colorful and quaint on the outside, Pony Magazine means business with its abundant information on every horse topic you can think of.

The subscription based magazine offers actionable tips for young readers to master expert-level equine skills. But even then, tips and tricks are explained in simple, easy terms that make them attainable for even the youngest horse lovers. The magazine also places the spotlight on different breeds, expanding your young riders knowledge about the many different kinds of horses.

Perfect for dedicated young equine enthusiasts, Pony Magazine also delivers a broad assortment of activities, crafts, quizzes, tests, cowboy style articles, western lifestyle, and newsworthy horse updates that will keep your kids in the know.

It also offers a section all about real life kids who ride English and western riding events to inspire young riders to take the reigns themselves.

young rider

Slightly more refined, the Young Rider magazine makes the perfect magazine for older kids who want to get serious about their horsing around.

The publication caters mostly to kids who have had at least a little real life exposure to horses, but also provides some content for younger audiences. Available in both print and digital copies, the Young Rider magazine focuses on providing young people a great resource for all of their equine questions and curiosities.

Ideal for young horse riders and lovers who want to get more involved in competitions and tournaments, Young Rider serves up a wealth of knowledge on the ins and outs of horse shows and more. The magazine also makes sure to offer practical horseman tips and tricks as well as care tips that riders can use to provide the best comfort for their beloved horses and ponies.

With specific segments that focus on different breeds, horse care tips, riding skills instructions, and horse news, Young Rider magazine makes sure your reader gets a little of everything. The best part is that they also feature pictures of their subscribers, giving young riders a chance to land the pages of the prestigious horse magazine.

horse illustrated

A sister publication of the Young Rider magazine, Horse Illustrated targets readers and horse owners of all ages and experience levels. Although not necessarily written with kids mind, the magazine uses easy wording and provides fun content that appeals to both adults and younger audiences.

Horse Illustrated proves to be a great resource for finding the latest and greatest horse-related news on the equine scene. Filled with information about tournaments, championships, competitions, lifestyle articles, and noteworthy horses from around the world, Horse Illustrated magazine makes sure riders get their daily dose of updated info to stay up to date.

Hosting fun giveaways and offering loads of fun, easy-to-follow tips for trainers and horse handlers, Horse Illustrated keeps things interesting by patterning their publications after each season. So if you've got a house full of avid horse fans of every age, then Horse Illustrated might be the way to go.

blaze magazine

Specifically developed for horse crazy kids, Blaze Magazine gets its name from an actual horse named Blaze - a friendly Rocky Mountain horse owned by the editor herself. It was the Blaze team's dream to bring together education and enjoyment in a reading material that could teach kids to learn about the wonderful world of horses.

Intended for young readers and horse owners ages 8 to 14 years, Blaze Magazine brings loads of fun with interesting facts and Blaze news, riding tips, horse care information, contests, arts and crafts, and quizzes. Every issue also comes with a two-page poster that showcases one of the magazine's featured breeds against a beautiful, colored background.

From horse training tips to trail riding guidelines, to cool games and crazy funny articles and jokes, Blaze Magazine will give your kids hours of enjoyment flipping through the magazine's colorful pages. It's also the only magazine that really tries to get kids to reach out and join a fun community of horse-loving, like-minded riders.

western horseman

First published way back in 1936, Western Horseman is one of the oldest horse magazines in existence to date. The long-standing well trusted magazine includes articles that explore different disciplines in supreme detail, making it an exceptional choice for readers who really want to know what goes on behind the scenes.

Much like Horse Illustrated, Western Horseman isn't necessarily published for kids. But its wide range of articles that explore everything about horses including riding tips, riding skills, horse health, lifestyle articles, cowboy style, horse breeds, and top trainers give readers of every age reason to scan through its pages.

Filled with helpful information and every kind of news to help you stay up to date on the latest horse trends and events, Western Horseman makes reading especially enjoyable with large print, beautiful posters, and high quality colored images that are a treat for the eyes.

american farriers journal

Want to help your kids develop a fuller understanding of horses health? The American Farriers Journal should find a place in your horse magazines library.

This publication offers detailed information about horse health, providing readers and horse owners real-life horse care tips that you can use to enrich your animal's wellness and extend its life.

The American Farriers Journal takes information from top trainers, top professionals, riding experts, and trusted horse owner experts so you can get firsthand knowledge on the best ways to care for your beloved animal. And because articles are written in plain, simple English, you can expect older kids to easily comprehend complex equine health principles.

Providing relevant knowledge that stands the test of time, stocking your shelves with issues from the American Farriers Journal also makes sure that you have a reliable horse owner's resource you can turn to anytime you notice something wrong with your beloved horses and need specific horse care.

sidelines magazine

Lots of people have turned their horsing hobby into a full-fledged career, and no magazine showcases that better than Sidelines Magazine. Unlike other horse magazines, Sidelines places emphasis on the people behind the horses. Offering a load of articles that explore the many different equine riding careers and beyond, Sidelines shares a brand new perspective on the horse world.

If you're hoping to inspire your kids with stories from real life people, no magazine does it better than Sideline. Although it isn't specifically written for kids, the magazine shows just how broad the world of horse ownership can be, and the many different career opportunities that await those who stick to their equine ambitions.

Sidelines also showcases the latest trends and changes across the landscape of horses sports and competitions. Providing readers updated knowledge about competitive events like barrel horse news, this magazine for horse enthusiasts makes sure you always stay up to date on relevant changes.

equus magazine

From the Equine Network comes Equus Magazine. Again, it might not have the same colorful appeal as an actual children's horse magazine, but Equus touts information and articles that can be of significant value for readers of all ages.

This long-standing rider magazine is recognized as a strong authority in the world of horses, offering curated content that you might not find anywhere else.

Reading Equus provides practical information that horse owners can use in horse care, training, and beyond. Reading Equus on the regular also means you get to stay up to date with the latest information and news across various areas of the horse world.

Providing readers with a variety of tips on stable management, riding skills, riding tips, training, health, and more, Equus rings well with older children hoping to expand their knowledge and move beyond the fun coloring pages of horse magazines intended for younger audiences.

practical horseman magazine

With emphasis on show horses, competitions, and tournaments, Practical Horseman offers the most accurate, detailed information on how your young rider or horse owner can learn the ropes of competitive horse riding and training.

The magazine provides young riders a wealth of articles that explore the more technical side of horse training including articles on horseback riding, barrel horse racing, trail riding, training, and more.

Taking cues from professionals and experts in various different fields of horsemanship, Practical Horseman delivers firsthand, fact-based articles that guarantee success on the stage. The magazine also provides a bunch of actionable training tips that even kids can apply to their try and improve their horse's performance.

While Practical Horseman reads more like a horse magazine for older audiences, it hasn't lost appeal among young riders. With information that's vital to success in the horse industry, this rider magazine focuses on giving kids expert advice on how to win their next championship with horses that are in top shape.

horse and rider magazine for kids

Claiming to be the ultimate western riding magazine, Horse & Rider's pages boast bountiful resources on English and western riding. The trusted publication offers various tips on riding skills, horse care, training tactics, and many other areas of English and western equine essentials that can help you take the best care of your beloved animal.

For young riders, Horse & Rider magazine serves up interesting articles on various types of horses and horsing events from around the globe. From barrel horse news to the latest winners of dressage tournaments, Horse & Rider guarantees to keep you updated on the latest happenings. But more than just that, the magazine also provides vital information on how to improve riding skills to join the ranks of world class champions.

If you're looking for a light read for your young riding enthusiast, Horse & Rider also has a fun just for laughs section that serves up funny stories, anecdotes, and jokes that kids can read for hours of honest laughs. And with a directory that explores all of the wonderful places to bring your horse for riding and training, this magazine proves a must have for riders of all ages.

Ready to Ride

Young equestrians have a lot to learn. But with the right monthly magazine subscription, you can help shape their skills and expand their knowledge. Starting off with fun publications like Pony Magazine and Blaze might get their interest stirred. But following up with more complex information from magazines like Horse Illustrated should drive their passion all the way through.

So if you've got a bunch of young equestrians or a young horse enthusiast at home, make sure to subscribe to the best horse magazines for kids to keep their minds constantly filled with relevant information from the horse world.