When the temperature starts to drop and the nights begin drawing in, slowly but surely your horse will start looking a bit wooly. A horse's thick winter coat does a great job of keeping it warm, but in some cases, this thick hair can create a problem. It’s for this reason that some owners choose to reach out for the clippers during the winter months.
In this guide, we're going to take a look at everything you need to know about clipping a horse. With all of this information, you'll confidently be able to pick out the best horse clippers for you and your horse's needs.
What are the Benefits of Clipping A Horse?
Horses can get pretty hot and sweaty under their thick coats when they're working out in the winter. Which means that horses with a full exercise schedule in the colder months will get the most benefit from being clipped. As well as causing rubbing and discomfort under tack, long, sweaty hair can also cause a chill.
Clipping the hair off parts of a horse will help it to cool down and dry off both during and after exercise. If you're showing or eventing a lot during the winter then clipping can save a lot of time with grooming.
Clipping a horse isn’t always about aesthetics sometimes it may be necessary to clip it for health reasons too. This is why it's good for all horse owners to have access to hair clippers or trimmers.
Horses with hairy fetlocks can often be relieved of mud fever by clipping their lower legs and clippers can be used to expose wounds for cleaning.
Older horses or horses with Cushing's who have difficulty shedding their coats can be relieved of matted hair with horse clippers. Removing some hair from overweight horses in the wintertime can help them to lose weight by burning calories to keep warm.
How Can I Tell If My Horse Needs Clipping?

Deciding whether or not to clip your horse isn't always straight forward. Below we've highlighted the main things you may want to consider before you make the decision. If you're in doubt, don't be afraid to ask for advice from experienced owners at your barn.
1. Environment
If your horse lives in a cold environment and is permanently living outside then you should keep clipping to a minimum. Your horse will need its thick hair to stay nice and warm during the winter. If a horse that’s permanently living outside is clipped then it will need to wear plenty of blankets to help keep it warm. If your horse is stabled overnight then you can be more liberal with trimming. Stabled horses who are clipped will need turnout blankets when they go outside and possibly stable blankets at night too.
2. Exercise
Your horse’s exercise level plays a key factor in deciding whether or not to clip. If your horse is hardly working or rested during the winter then chances are it won't need clipping. If your horse has a light riding routine but gets sweaty, then it may get some benefit from a light clipping. However if your horse is exercised daily and competing regularly during the winter then it's better to remove most of the hair from all the sweat prone areas.
3. Maintenance
If your horse is clipped during the winter then chances are it's going to have to wear blankets. Stable blankets will have to be changed to outdoor blankets every time the horse goes outside and then vice versa when it comes back in. Make sure that you have time in your schedule to change your horse's blankets each day before you decide to clip.
Different Types of Horse Clips

There are several different styles of body clipping for a horse ranging from a small strip to the full body. Below we’ll explore each one so you can discover the best one to use on your horse.
1. Strip
This is the most basic clip that you can give to a horse. It removes one simple strip of hair from your horse's throat down to its belly. This is good to use on horses who are wintering outside but are still in light exercise.
2. Bib
The bib clip follows the same path as the strip, however, it is much wider. Meaning that it includes the main sweating areas of the lower neck, chest and belly. This is another good type of clip for horses in light winter work.
3. Trace
The trace clip is suitable for horses who are in regular, moderate exercise during the winter season. As well as removing the hair from the underside of the neck and belly, it also incorporates the sides of the horse and the parts of the flank area.
4. Blanket
The blanket clip is similar to the trace but it includes removing the hair from the horse's head, face and whole neck. This leaves a blanket shape of hair over the horse's back. This is a good clip to use on horses who are in regular exercise and competing over winter.
5. Hunter
The hunter clip removes most of the horse's coat leaving only the saddle patch and leg hair intact. This is a good clip for horses in heavy work over the winter. A horse with a hunter clip will need lots of extra blankets over the winter.
6. Full Body
This clip is best suited to athletic horses in regular training and competition and spends little time outside. Just as the title suggests, the hair is removed from all over the horse's body, including the head and legs. A horse that has a full body clip will need lots of blankets to keep it warm during the winter.
How to Choose The Right Horse Hair Clippers

When it comes to searching for the best horse clippers you’ll find a huge range of different ones on the market. Below we’ve highlighted the most important things you may want to consider in order to choose the best horse clippers for your needs.
1. Different Types of Horse Body Clippers
Clippers can be placed into three main category's and you must get the right ones for the job. Body clippers are the larger types of clippers and can be used on all of the main parts of the horse's body. Trimmers are a smaller type of clippers that are great for using on finer areas such as the face, bridle path, and around the ears. Trimmers are also good for finishing off the lines from body clippers. Multipurpose clippers can do the job of both body clippers and trimmers. They have interchangeable heads and different speed settings making them a very versatile clipper to have around.
2. Noise
Body clipping can be quite noisy, especially with the heavy-duty clippers so you need to take this into account when you're buying a pair. If you have a horse who is nervous or is being clipped for the first time then make sure that you get quiet clippers.
3. Weight
Clippers will usually be available in three different weights. Lightweight clippers are usually trimmer type clippers and these are perfect to use on short, fine coats or nervous horses. Medium weight clippers are the most popular size body clippers. They can be used on all types of coats and are pretty durable. Heavy-duty clippers are the most powerful types of clippers and they generally need a strong, professional arm to handle them. These are durable clippers that can be used on tough coats and many different horses.
4. Cords
Another important point to consider when you’re choosing horse clippers is your power supply. If you don’t have a convenient power source then you should get a pair of cordless horse clippers. Cordless clippers are convenient and lightweight, they can be used anywhere and don’t leave a dangerous cord trailing the ground. However, even the best cordless horse clipper won’t have the same power as a mains operated ones. Always use mains powered clippers with a circuit breaker for extra safety when you're clipping.
5. Power
Another thing you must consider when choosing the best horse clippers is how powerful they are. You'll find the power of a horse clipper measured in watts and voltage. Clippers with a higher voltage and wattage are generally more powerful and durable but will probably produce more noise. For nervous horse or ones being clipped for the first time, it's better to choose clippers with a lower voltage and wattage.
6. Strokes Per Minute
Another thing you can look for to determine the power of clippers is the strokes per minute (SPM). This indicates how fast the blades are moving. Horse clippers that have higher strokes per minute are smoother to operate and are better at cutting through thicker coats. If your horse has a fine coat then choosing a clipper with lower strokes per minute will be sufficient. A mains connected body clipper will usually be capable of more strokes per minute than a small trimmer or cordless horse clipper.
How to Clip a Horse

Clipping a horse can be a lengthy process so it's important to be well prepared. By using only the very best horse clippers and following our points of advice below, you’ll be sure to have a smooth, stress-free, easy clipping session with your horse.
1. When to Clip
The best time to get clipping your horse is around late September or early October when they've started to develop a wooly coat. The clip will need to be redone every three to five weeks as the new hair starts growing through. Unless your horse is clipped all year round then it's important to stop clipping before the end of January. This is when your horse's new summer coat starts coming through and you don’t want to clip this off!
2. Clipping Preparation
It's important to give your horse a good groom before body clipping it. This removes any debris from the coat and will make the process much easier. When your horse is clean, you can mark out the area you want to clip using chalk or oil. Make sure that you’ve got everything you need on hand including clipper oil, spare blades and cleaning brushes. Sometimes it can be good to have an extra person around to hold the horse or to help you stretch out loose skin.
3. Introducing a Horse to Clippers
If you're clipping a horse for the first time then it's important that you introduce it to the clippers slowly. Before switching them on, let your horse sniff the clippers to become familiar with them. You can even try running the clippers over your horse's coat gently. When you're ready to start, switch the clippers on while standing a few meters away from your horse so you don’t startle. When your horse is used to the noise, you can start to approach it slowly.
Start clipping at the horse's shoulder, this is one of the least sensitive parts of the body and the best place to introduce your horse to the clippers. Save the delicate areas, such as the bridle path and ears until the end.
4. Body Clipping Tips
When you're clipping, it's important that you always go against the grain of the hair. Don’t clip over rolls of skin, always tighten the skin with your free hand where it's loose, otherwise, you may break the horse's skin. If the clippers are becoming stuck and not running smoothly, never force them through the hair. They may be going blunt and you don’t want to pinch your horse's skin.
Throughout clipping, brush and oil your blades regularly and check to see that they feel cool. You should do this at least every ten minutes or as and when it's needed. If the blades are becoming too hot or feel like they’re going blunt, swap them for a fresh pair.
5. After Care
After you’ve finished body clipping it's a good idea to brush your horse over with a soft brush. This removes any loose hairs and gives you a chance to check over your work. Always clean your blades and clippers after clipping and store them away correctly.
How to Take Care of Horse Clippers

When you invest in a set of equine body clippers, you want them to last you a long time. To prolong the life of your clippers and to keep them working well, you have to take good care of them. To do this there are several important points you should follow.
1. Cleaning
Clippers need to be cleaned regularly when they're being used and then thoroughly cleaned again after you've used them. When you're clipping a horse, hair, dust and debris will build up between the blades and cause the clippers to overheat and lose power. This is why it’s important to clean and oil them regularly when you’re clipping.
Before you store your clippers away make sure that they’re clean and dry. If they are left wet or dirty then they will quickly rust and become unusable. Usually, clippers will come with a special cleaning brush that’s designed to get in between the blades. A toothbrush makes a good alternative brush for cleaning clipper blades.
2. Oiling
Blade oil plays a vital part in keeping your clippers running at optimum function. It protects the blades and acts as lubrication to keep the blades running smoothly. Oil should be added to the blades at regular intervals when you’re clipping. It’s also a good idea to oil the blades before you pack them away after you’ve cleaned them.
3. Sharpening
It's important not to use blunt blades on a horse as they can cause pinching on the horse's skin. This will be an unpleasant experience for your horse and could even put them off being clipped in the future. You'll know when blades need to be sharpened because they will create resistance rather than running smoothly through the hair. Some blades are self-sharpening whereas others will need to be taken to a specialist to be maintained. Always check the manufacturer's instructions for advice about sharpening blades.
4. Storing
When it comes to storing your clippers, make sure that they’re clean and dry. It's important to keep all of your clipping equipment dust-free so it’s a good idea to invest in a storage box if your clippers don’t come with one. The box should be left in a clean, dry place. When it comes to storing your blades, for extra protection against humidity, you may want to store them in a zip lock bag or sealed Tupperware.
Can I Use a Horse Clipper on a Dog?
Some horse clippers are sold as general animal clippers so in some cases they can also be used on dogs and other small animals. These are usually the quiet, lightweight, trimmer type clippers. Never use heavy-duty horse clippers on a small animal and if you’re unsure, refer to the manufacture's recommendations.
Reviews of 8 of the Best Horse Clippers Available on the Marketplace
To make your search for the best horse clippers easier, we’ve reviewed 8 of the best body clippers for horses below.
1. Wahl Professional Show Pro Plus Horse Hair Clippers
The Show Pro Plus clippers from Wahl are medium duty clippers and are great for trimming the horses delicate areas and they can also handle light body clipping work. They're single speed, running at 7200 strokes per minute and are powered by a mains supply. The Show Pro Plus blades are adjustable to three sizes, #30, #15 and #10 to suit all of your clipping needs. The Show Pro Plus clippers come with a special grooming tool, blade oil, blade guard, cleaning brushes an instructional DVD. Wahl Show Pro and Show Pro Plus clippers are a favorite amongst horse owners.
2. Oster Clipmaster Grooming Machine for Large Animals
This heavy-duty, horse clipper from Oster will manage to cut smoothly through even the thickest of coats with a high speed of 2700 strokes per minute. They're powered with a mains connection and are suited to a professional hand. They have an A5 detachable blade fitting system which means that they’re compatible with a range of blades. These clippers are slow and steady and feature chew-proof housing around the rotary motor, prolonging their life span. As well as being protected by a one-year warranty, these clippers also come with one size 10, cryogenic blade. It's worth noting that extra blades for this clipper need to be bought separately. These are the best clippers to get if you need lots of power to get through thick coats.
3. Sminiker Professional Cordless Grooming Clippers
This is a budget, medium weigh, cordless horse clipping tool by Sminiker and it comes with a rechargeable battery so it doesn’t need to be plugged into the mains. It’s a very quiet trimmer that's easy to use and it has a low vibration so its great for using on a nervous horse. It has an adjustable titanium blade ranging from 2mm to .9mm and it comes with 4 different size limiting combs. The kit comes with a huge range of grooming accessories that can also be used on smaller pets at home. This is the best horse clipper to use for light trimming jobs.
4. Wahl Lithium Iron Pro Cordless Professional Clippers
Wahl is a brand leader when it comes to horse clippers and all Wahl Professional animal grooming tools are made in the USA. These Iron Pro trimmers are lightweight and great for trimming delicate areas of the horse and for touching up lines after the body clippers. The heavy-duty, reliable rotary motor is powered by a rechargeable battery that offers up to two hours of run-time. These are very quiet cordless horse clippers that can be conveniently used anywhere and they come with precision, self-sharpening blades.
5. Oster Golden A5 Two Speed Professional Animal Grooming Clippers
This is a heavy-duty, super 2 speed, professional horse clipper from Oster that comes with a durable, powerful motor protected by tough, chew-proof housing. It has multi-speed settings making it a great multi-purpose clipper. The low-speed setting is great for sensitive, delicate of the horse while areas whereas the high speed make for a powerful body clip. It comes with a size 10 detachable cryogen blade and the A5 detachable blade fitting system makes it compatible with all other A5 Oster blades. Extra blades for this clipper will need to be bought separately. This product is made in the USA and it comes with a one-year warranty.
6. Wahl Professional Two Speed Horse Clipper Kit
This is a powerful and durable, super 2 speed, horse clipper from Wahl that will cut through even the thickest of coats. It has a variable speed setting making it a great multi-purpose clipper to cover all of your clipping needs. Though the motor is powerful it's also pretty quiet making it a good choice for nervous horses or fist time trimmers. This is a heavy-duty trimmer that's easy to use with it's lightweight design that helps reduce wrist fatigue when you’re trimming. It comes complete with a high quality, size 10, Ultimate Competition Series blade.
7. Takekit Professional Animal Grooming Clippers
These clippers from Takekit are one of the most heavy-duty clippers on the market and can be used on a range of different farm animals. These are the best horse clippers for using on a horse with thick or matted coats as the high power motor clips through effortlessly. It has a high-grade steel Double blade system and both blades are detachable, adjustable and compatible with Takekit and Beiyuan blades. These clippers are very versatile with their variable speed settings, up to 2400 strokes per minute, and they come with a 16ft power cord and professional carry case. This is a professional, heavy-duty clipper with a powerful motor and should not be used on small animals.
8. Wahl Professional Animal Motion Cordless Clipper Kit
This Wahl Professional animal clipper is versatile, lightweight, easy to use, and designed for comfort making it one of the best cordless clippers for horses. It has a removable scissor grip handle and constant speed control so you won't lose momentum. These versatile horse grooming clippers come with an adjustable 5 in 1 Pro Blade as well as 6 attachment guide combs for precision trimming. The powerful, long-life, lithium battery has a traffic light indicator system so you always know exactly how much power you have left. These are one of the best cordless horse clippers on the market and Wahl Professional has a customer helpline and offers a limited warranty for this product.
In our opinion, the best clippers for body clipping a horse has to be the Wahl Professional Animal 2 Speed Horse Clipper Kit. This kit is purpose made to meet all your horse clipping needs and the quality of Wahl products is assured. They’re heavy-duty but easy to handle and they won't startle your horse. These best horse clippers are a worthy investment as they're easy to use, reliable, and they’ll be sure to last you a long time.
When it comes to choosing the best clippers for horses, you get what you pay for, so it's worth investing in a quality brand. A high-quality horse clipper, such as Wahl Professional Animal will not only give your horse a better finish but they’ll also last longer than cheaper brands. For the best results, always choose clippers that are designed to be used on horses and follow the manufacturer's safety instructions.