Choosing the Best Automatic Horse Waterer: Top 5 Reviewed

If you own horses, chances are you’ve spent a lot of time filling up water buckets and carrying them around. All of this time adds up, and If you think about it, maybe it could have been better spent on doing more fun things with your equine friend. Using an automatic waterer for horses not only saves you time, but it will also save you money by minimizing water wastage. Your horses will also appreciate the constantly fresh, cool water that one provides, especially in the hot summer months. Before investing in one, it's important that you find the best one for your circumstances. This guide will answer all the questions you have about buying the best automatic horse waterer for your needs.

What are Automatic Waterers?

An automatic waterer for horses is a self-filling watering device that can be used in the stall or pasture. They’re usually operated by a ballcock, the same system used in our toilets, and they need to be attached or plumbed into a water source. When horses drink from it, the water is instantly and automatically replenished.

Some automatic waterers are operated with a “paddle” system, where the horse has to push a paddle to release the water into a bowl. There are many different styles, ranging from ones that fit neatly into the corner of a stable, to large, free-standing troughs, perfect for watering a group of outdoor horses.

The Benefits of Using an Automatic Horse Watering System

Providing water to your horses is an essential part of routine care, however, it can often be time-consuming and sometimes physically demanding.

Discover below all of the amazing benefits to be gained from installing an automatic waterer. You may be surprised to find how much it can improve your daily yard routine.


How much time have you spent standing around holding a hose or waiting for a bucket to fill up? Time at the yard is always precious, especially in the winter when there’s less daylight.

By using an automatic waterer, you would literally save yourself hours each month. This time can then be used for one to one time with your horses, or for catching up with tack cleaning or pasture maintenance.


The most appealing thing about automatic waterers is that they make equestrian life much more convenient, especially if your horses don't live close to a tap. We’ve all trudged through mud with buckets of water and know that it's a grueling chore. And how many of us have worried if we’ve left the hose running or had the painful task of breaking through frozen water troughs?

Installing an automatic waterer takes away these menial tasks and makes yard life a little less physically demanding and stressful.

Money and Water Savings

As well as saving a lot of time, an automatic waterer will also save you save lots of money in the long run. This is because they only release the exact amount that is used into the bowl, which leaves very little room for water wastage.

There’s no risk of leaving a hose unintentionally running either. Whole buckets of water can become soiled for one reason or another, and often you have to tip them out to refresh them. Some horses even have a bad habit of using their water as a toilet every night! You’ll be surprised at how much water you save with an automatic waterer.

Increased Water Quality

Automatic waterers are guaranteed to provide your horses with fresh, clean water delivered straight from the tap. Because it's fresh water, it dramatically decreases the chances of insect laying eggs in the water, and from harmful microbes developing.

An automatic waterer is one of the most healthy sources of drinking water that you can provide for your horse.

How to Choose the Right Automatic Watering System

When it comes to choosing the right watering system, there are a few important points to consider first. Buying one is a long term investment so you want to make the right selection.

By asking yourself the following questions you’ll be sure to find the best automatic waterer for horses.

Where will you be using the waterer?

If your stall or field isn't located close to a tap or water source, or you use a rotating pasture, it’s better to choose a waterer with simple fixtures and an easy hosepipe connection. These waterers can be moved around easily and don’t necessarily require construction work to be installed.

When setting up an automatic watering system for horse stalls or barn, look for a small, sleek design that fits neatly against the side or in a corner. You’ll also find on the market a selection of individual freestanding horse waterers or horse watering fountains that are also well suited to the stable.

If you're looking for a waterer to use outside then you’ll need to choose a durable one. It needs to be pretty tough if it's exposed to the weather, and It’ll be more vulnerable to knocks and kicks from your horse. Ideally, a field waterer should be large, freestanding, and securely fixed to the floor.

How many horses will use it?

If you plan on using the waterer for a single horse then a small waterer is sufficient. If you need to provide for a whole herd then you’ll definitely need to use a large, heavy duty, stock waterer, that can be accessed from all sides.

You don’t want them queuing and fighting over it. A small waterer out in the field will be sufficient for two to three horses.

What kind of climate do you live in?

If you and your horse live in a pleasant, warm environment then you should use a plastic waterer. Plastic is a poor conductor of heat and will keep water cooler for longer.

For colder climates then a metal waterer would be a better option for you as they’re tougher against the elements. If you live in a place that often freezes throughout the winter, consider investing in electrically heated automatic horse waterers. If you install these waterers with their pipes deep underground then you'll never have to break through ice again and water frozen pipes will become a thing of the past.

Should you buy plastic or metal?

When it comes to choosing a waterer the options are usually between metal and plastic. Metal horse waterers are generally more durable and longer-lasting, however, they can sometimes be prone to rust. Because metal waterers get warmer in the sun they can be susceptible to algae growing in them too, if they're not cleaned out regularly. When buying a metal waterer choose stainless steel or galvanized material.

Plastic automatic horse waterers are generally less expensive than metal ones but they’re still pretty durable and won't rust. They won't be dented through rough treatment either and are generally easier to manage and handle.

What about the edges? 

The automatic waterers horses like to drink from should have a smooth surface, with no rough edges where your horse can become caught or injured.

Do you need to monitor your horses water intake?

Sometimes it may be necessary to monitor your horse's water consumption and this can be an issue with automatic waterers. Luckily, there are waterers on the market that you can use to observe the intake. They come with a built-in meter, so you can always be confident that your horse is getting enough clean water.

How to Install Automatic Waterers for Horses

how to install automatic waterers for horses

The first thing to choose when setting up your automatic watering system is a good location to put it in. This should be somewhere away from the feed areas so it doesn't get contaminated by dust and food debris.


When choosing the height, install it at the hight of your horse's mouth when it's resting. If the waterer is too high or too low, it could be uncomfortable for your horse to drink out of it.


When setting up an outdoor field waterer, choose a location that is accessible from all sides. This is particularly important when watering a large herd. This ensures that everyone has access to clean water and there’s less chance of them fighting for the water.

It’s a good idea to create a level, solid surface around the waterer, using stones, concrete or stone slabs. This will prevent the area from becoming soft and muddy in wet conditions. For your own convenience, place the waterer somewhere that's easily accessible for daily checking.


Automatic waterers need to be connected to a hose or pipe, which can sometimes involve construction and plumbing work. You need to plan the route the pipe will take and make sure it's accessible and permitted to dig into the earth. If you're using a heated waterer with electricity then you might need the expertise of an electrician to install it.

Introducing Your Horse to an Automatic Watering System

One of the most common questions we receive in regards to auto horse waterers is:

How do I get my horse to drink from an automatic waterer?

A horse will always find water, but the new device might seem a bit strange and alien to them at first.

It’s a good idea to leave a bucket of water in the same place as the new waterer for a few days. This way your horse will associate the area with water.

If your horse is particularly scared or sensitive then introduce them slowly using lots of patience and treats. Show your horse that there's nothing to be scared of and they’ll soon get the hang of drinking out of it with no problems. Paddle operated waters will require a bit more patience and training.

Automatic Waterer Maintenance

Regardless of whether you use buckets or an automatic waterer, checking your horses water every day, should be standard practice for owners. An automatic waterer doesn't give you a license to become complacent about your horse's water provisions.

It’s very important that the automatic waterer is cleaned every few days. This is to ensure that the piped don't become blocked with dust and debris, potentially cutting off your horses water flow. If an automatic waterer does become blocked or stops working for some reason, then its always a good idea to have a few extra buckets lying around that you can use as a backup.

How do you Clean Automatic Waterers?

Each automatic waterer has its own individual cleaning instruction. Some waterers will be fitted with a plug for easy water drainage when cleaning, others have a removable bowl.

Whatever the process, you will need a soft sponge, brush, or cloth for cleaning. Some waterers can be cleaned out with a simple jet from the hose pipe.

Reviews of 5 of the Best Waterers on the Marketplace

1. Flagline Miller 88SW All Pourpous Waterer

automatic watering system for horse stalls

These all-purpose waterers are produced by the Miller Company, who are experts in producing high quality, animal and agricultural products. This galvanized steel bowl, all-purpose automatic waterer is hard wearing and heavy duty, perfect for the field or stable.

Its convenient size makes it easy to install at any height and it connects to a standard hosepipe. This is a great value, hard wearing waterer, designed with animals safety in mind.

2. Behlen Country AHW80 Insulated Cattle/Horse Waterer Heated

behlen heated automatic horse waterer

This durable, insulated, heated automatic horse waterer is the best choice for outdoors in cold climates. It has two drinking units and it will keep the frost from forming on your trough, up to -20 degrees.

It has an infrared heat pad as well as super thick, insulation, around a strong polythene structure. This insulation not only stops the water from freezing but it also prevents electric shock to your horse from stray voltage.

It comes with built-in “hold downs” to secure it to the floor and has drainage plugs for easy cleaning. This waterer is quite a big financial investment but you’ll be thankful for this stock waterer during the cold winters, it will keep your hands warm.

3. HighCamer Automatic Stainless Steel Bowl Dispenser 304

HighCamer Automatic Stainless Steel Bowl Dispenser

This is the most durable, budget, stock waterer on the market with many happy customers reviews. It’s smooth, stainless steel bowl is safe for your horse and cattle and is sure to last a long time. It comes with a spare float as well as a one-year warranty, and replacement parts are readily available.

This waterer is perfect for all types of livestock, and it will easily cater for dogs, hens, goats and sheep as well as horses. You’ll find it easy to install, with screw fixtures and it attaches to a standard hose. This is a highly durable, great value product.

4. Little Giant Large 4 Gallon Float Controlled Cattle and Horse Waterer

Little Giant Large 4 Gallon Float Controlled Cattle and Horse Waterer

The Little Giant Large automatic waterer is made from tough, durable plastic and is available in many different colors. This is a fantastic all-purpose automatic waterer, one that can be used both inside the stall and outside in the paddock.

Its simple design makes it easy to attach to a wall or fence and it connects to a standard hose pipe. Your horse can take a good gulp from this waterer with its large 4-gallon capacity and float controlled refill. It comes with a 30cm hose and female attachment for easy installation. This is an automatic waterer horses like to drink from.

5. H2O Animal Hydration Tough Guy Automatic Waterer

H2O Animal Hydration Tough Guy Automatic Waterer

This is a very popular brand that offers durable waterers at a very reasonable price. This animal hydration unit is made with a heavy-duty plastic bowl and it's highly resistant against the sun, making it the perfect waterer for hot climates. It works with a flotation device and has a safe, smooth design, and it can be used in the stalls or the paddock.

This auto horse waterer is easy to install with a standard hose connection and its easy to clean too with is plug and drain hole. It comes at a very reasonable price considering it will last you such a long time.

Our Top Choice:

Little Giant Large 4 Gallon Float Controlled Cattle and Horse Waterer

This is a fantastic no-nonsense waterer that can be installed and moved around easily to suit your needs. It’s easy to clean, super durable and highly resistant against the sun. This is a waterer that can be used anywhere.

Its sleek design and large capacity makes it suitable for horses sharing, but it's also small enough to fit comfortably into a stall. This is a great value, resistant and reliable waterer with many positive reviews. It's definitely worth investing in for all your watering needs.


As you can see, automatic horse waterers are a great piece of equipment. They're a simple and effective way to save both time, water, and money at the yard. If you invest in the right one for your needs, then you will potentially keep it for many years, and it will pay for itself in the long run.

It’s important not to be deterred by the initial investment of time and money or the task of installation. As you can see from this guide, some are pretty easy to install. 

By installing the best automatic horse waterer, you’ll be very happy with the time you save and your equine buddy will love his clean, fresh water!